I guess i am just starting a blog for people to follow that will be more personal then my artsite blogs. Yes i have a live journal.. but eh.. I don’t like LJ anymore. This is mostly just personal and artistic stuff! Pictures from adventures and sketches and stuff, art wise and all. Job info.. things like that.
At the moment, i am currently working with other wonderful artists on the website www.hardblush.com Run by the wonderful Onta. http://daily.hardblush.com/ Im also working on commissions. Maybe squeezing out a personal pictures between all that so my creativity doesn’t die!
So i guess more later. Im still trying to set this blog thing up. ^-^
I never really like the LJ layout myself. I look forward to seeing all manner of cute/serious sketches and doodles from you, Kayiko. <3
YAY BLOG! I hope this is where I can come and see your doodles and thoughts <3
aww yaaaay! thank you guys!!
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