Aw man... its Friday already! .. This week and been looooooooong and stressful! I wish i was someone who loved going out and getting trashed, i feel like i need it!!! To bad i don't do that stuff. Hahaaha.. art wise.. eeeh.. nothing new to post that won't be seen on FA in a day. I finished some commissions! Its looking good that im going to be a guest artists for Clubstripes. Im sooooooooooooooooooo excited to be drawing girls!!! I'm going to see about making some new ones too. Or even bring Anna back! I haven't used her in a loooooooooong time. Make her more skunkish. and less human. We will see!.. hehehe. Right now.. its time to get started on my new piece for HB.skribble i did a while ago. Named Kydd. © ME. NO TAKIE!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Posted by Kayiko at 2:24 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Ug... so yesterday sucked a lot. Mostly cause i was worried about my mom really. This whole car thing we both have been fighting with has been a head ache. Then she got something in the mail from the IRS saying she owes them $12,000. Which is a lot.. and anyone getting that in the mail would freak out! That is actually my worst nightmare. The IRS being after me. I don't fuck with that shit. Anywho.. She didn't get as upset as i thought. And we figured out the problem. She got stocks that year, and she added it in with her taxes for that year. And at the end you have to totally your entire yearly amount. Well they took her total amount (with the stock money she added it) and said -that- was her normal yearly income, and that she never added in the stocks money.. So they added it in and said she made $27,000 more, and that she never paid taxes on that extra money. So SOMEWHERE, something got mixed up. But she has all the paperwork for it. I was actually impressed. She pulled out folders with -everything- from 2007 with her taxes and what she got, and the stocks money. So hopefully it can get fixed!!! I was just worried she was going to just lose it. I mean the car loan thing was a headache.. but the IRS wanting money, now thats just UGGGGG... Its one thing when you know you might owe money for some weird bill. But to get hit twice with suprises like that for such large amounts of money, would send anyone over the edge. More so when you are butt fucking broken and don't have that money.
Anyways. So yesterday sucked. Today seems better. I will work on my commissions and things. Im still talking things out with the Clubstripes people. I hope i can draw for them! ::crosses fingers:: I lost the stamp job mostly because commications sucked. They needed the pictures fast, and never told me that. So i was squeezing them in between my other deadlined works.. ah well. Back to commissions!
Posted by Kayiko at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Night time update.
Well.. it seems i lost the scrap booking stamp thing. Oh well. The communication for that was kind of uncomfortable. But its annoying when you try to be up front and honest and keep clients up to date with things, and they come back at you with "You don't seem interested" If i wasn't.. then i wouldn't have taken the job in the first place. Maybe im just to overly worried about things.. So i always re-ask the client about any projects or commissions.. just in case they might want something changed. I've been at the wrong end of that and NOT re-asked and had to them suffer through making changes. Maybe that makes me look like i don't care because i always re-ask, but there is a reason for it. People change their minds all the time. I make sure they still want what was agreed on, if some time has passed since i got that information. Its so the client gets exactly what they did pay for. Oh well.. leaves me with more time to work on Hardblush stuff and commissions. Just finished one! But i need the ok from the person before i can post it. ummm Here was something i drew for Onta for his birthday!! hahhaha
Fun stuff. Since i had to wipe my comp not too long ago.. all my other sketches are on CDs.. So i don't have as much on this hard drive yet to post. I will have to dig up some stuff soon to post commission progress sketches and what not!
Posted by Kayiko at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Fun stuff!
Yaaay! fixed the header. haha now it doesn't look like Kayi is drooling. heehe..! So fun and exciting news! I -may- be getting to work at Clubstripes! With Miu, Midori, and other amazing artists!!! Its another paid website for art, but still! Its an awesome opportunity! and i get to draw ladies again!!! Hot damn!!!!!!! Im mega excited!
Um.. art wise.. lets see what i can find to post. I can show a snipit of the new HB picture i just finished. I am working on some stamps that i am doing for a card/scrapbooking website. I am not aloud to post those.. for legal reasons.. but its another thing that is taking up my time as well. Plus coloring for other artists. Fun fun fun!
I will look more for commission sketches and what not. For now.. time to go get something to eat! and take.. meds.. yaay being a girl ROCKS! ......... ::dryly::
Posted by Kayiko at 9:20 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
At the moment, i am currently working with other wonderful artists on the website Run by the wonderful Onta. Im also working on commissions. Maybe squeezing out a personal pictures between all that so my creativity doesn’t die!
So i guess more later. Im still trying to set this blog thing up. ^-^
Posted by Kayiko at 10:02 PM 3 comments